Squish toys with coucg with drinkholder
Squish toys with coucg with drinkholder

She can also get into things that aren't safe to play with, so make sure all items within reach are ones she can grab and drop and grab again as much as she likes: rattles, balls, stuffed animals, toys with interesting nooks and crannies. She can reach for toys that interest her, and bring them close to her body to get a better look.

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Now she can open and close her fingers, wave her arms, and clasp her hands together. Your baby is getting stronger and more coordinated. Toys that work for more than one stage are key (and economical), too: a stacking toy is at first a bunch of colorful rings for your baby to mouth later, the many-into-one magic of stacking the rings on their peg is a new delight. Toys that play to the advantage of your baby's latest skills and encourage new ones are sure to fascinate him. Make sure your baby's environment is stocked with safe toys and any hazards are tucked away. While 3-month-olds will generally stay where you put them – always keep one hand on them during diaper changes, though, because their first successful roll can take you by surprise – most 6-month-olds can sit up, and some can roll, crawl towards whatever they're interested in, or even lunge.


They also learn how to manipulate toys: grabbing them, banging them, and mouthing them at first, and then exploring them with newly dexterous hands.

squish toys with coucg with drinkholder

A lot happens during the 3- to 6-month-old period: Babies learn to move their hands and feet, begin babbling, and some even begin to crawl.

Squish toys with coucg with drinkholder